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Recipe Exchange @ 9pm!

It's the little things that matter.

I've been slacking with work. I know I should be constantly moving, learning, creating something. Winter break was just what I needed to reflect and get back to my routine and to be honest, i'm still not entirely ready to take on everything I got going on. My reading list just keeps growing and my assignments and tasks are piling up. Here's some things I take very seriously and have made quite a habit of. (MAYBE not so much the turning off my phone an hour before bed)

1. 8 hours of sleep rule; Turn off your phone an hour before going to bed

Who are we kidding, we're nearly always on our phones waiting on that moment where the urge to sleep overwhelms and we have no other choice but to pass out. It's one thing to be tired after a hectic day but another to stay awake even after heading to bed when you could be getting that extra hour of sleep to function better the next day. Sleep deprivation leads to inefficient learning because of a lack of focus. Also because sleep itself has role in the consolidation of memory, its even harder to learn new information. Consolidation which is essentially the process by which a memory becomes stable takes place during sleep through the strengthening of neural connections. Adequate sleep benefits you whereas your Instagram feed might not as much. There's so much more research out there about the importance of sleep and how it affects your physical and mental well being but more on that later.

2. A tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in warm water

It has got health benefits such as relieving constipation, lowering blood pressure, aiding weight loss, fighting cold, clearing sinuses, promotes good gut bacteria and detoxifies.

3. An apple a day makes sure you don't binge

Apples have antioxidants, flavanoids (a diverse group of phytonutrients) and dietry fibre (pectin)

4. Plan ahead

It can be meals, snacks, workouts, naps. Anything that gives you time to re-energize and re-focus on your daily tasks.

5. Stretch first thing in the morning

Promotes circulation, stress relief, muscle and joint flexibility

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